In any of the cases where the refund needs to be issued-
We will take 5 - 7 working days to process the refund once approved. The refund amount will be credited to your bank account generally within 7 - 10 working days. The said timeline is subject to differ or extend depending on the bank.
If you have paid using a UPI/credit/debit card or via cash on delivery, the refund will be credited back to the account you used to place the original order
In order to raise a request for Return and/or Replacement of the product, users shall be required to either send an email on or call the customer care executive on +91 72269 44460 . User would be required to provide supporting documents along with the request for such replacement and return of the product. Such request must be raised by the user within 5 days from the date of receipt of the product.
Once the request for replacement is raised by the User, the product so returned shall be inspected in case of defective claim before initiating the refund for the product so returned. In the event, the customer’s complaint is regarding quality of the drug and cosmetic products, the company shall investigate the product once same is handed over by the customer and reach out the manufacturer of the product to address the issue. In the event the customer is unable to or fails to return the product under complaint, the company shall rely on Batch Manufacturing Record (BMR) of the invoiced products so purchased by the customer once the invoice is shared. In case of commodities, the company shall physically examine the product so return and rely on the reports submitted by its investigation team. The customer agrees that the companies representative shall collect the said product along with other relevant documents including Invoice from the user and enable the investigation of the company. Post the quality inspection, the replaced product shall be dispatched to the address or hand delivered to the user. The replaced product shall reach the customers within 21 working days from the date on which the request was raised.